Upload tool

The Upload tool allows your customers to upload their images and files to the customizer to personalize your items.



  1. Tool intro
  2. Sources for images and files
  3. Supported formats
    3.1 Large files
    3.2 Image stretch
  4. Image editing
    4.1 Editing tools and filters
    4.2 Masks
    4.3 Other effects
  5. Quality check
  6. Further details


1. Tool intro

The tool is activated by default but you can change the way your customers use it or even totally disable it from the Printing Methods.


2. Sources for images and files

Customers can:

  • Upload multiple images from local storage or mobile image gallery;

  • Import images from Facebook;

  • Pick images from Premium Photos, a database of over 140 million high-quality images and artworks. Read more here.

  • Your custom source: Zakeke allows you to integrate a third-party service as a source for images and files. Read more here


3. Supported formats

  • Standard formats: JPG, PNG and SVG

    PRO TIP:

    if the file is in SVG format, customers can change the colors of the artwork. See this.

  • Files in PDF, AI, and EPS

    Not all plans include this option by default and you may need to activate a specific addon to allow users to upload files in PDF, AI, and EPS.

    When a customer uploads a vector PDF, EPS, or AI file, Zakeke automatically converts it to an SVG file in order to keep it as a vector file in the final print-ready file. This setting can be changed by activating the option "Convert vector PDF/ESP/AI to raster" in the Printing Methods and vector files will be converted to raster in the final output.

    For large PDFs, there is one more option: "Resize large PDF for better performance". Very large PDFs take a long time to upload to the product. If this option is activated, when customers upload a PDF file with a side greater than 30cm, the file is resized to 30cm, converted to raster, and then added to the product. This process allows for a faster upload time. Of course, for the final print of the product, the original PDF uploaded by the customer should be used because the file generated by Zakeke will be based on the resized PDF (which means that you do not have to use this system if you need the final output generated by Zakeke to fulfill the order).


After the process to generate print-ready files, some PDF files may show some differences (transparency, saturation, missing elements, etc) from the original uploaded. We strongly suggest double-checking the original PDF file uploaded by the client before fulfilling the order since Zakeke provides you with original files along with processed print-ready files.


3.1 Large files 

Zakeke sets a standard limit for file uploads at 50MB. However, we offer a unique and valuable feature that enables customers to overcome this limitation by accepting file uploads of up to 1GB. This means you can seamlessly receive print-ready files for large-format products without being restricted by the standard 50MB limit. Refer to this guide for all details.


3.2 Image stretch

Enable customers to distort an image in one direction only, instead of only having the option to resize it proportionally.

4. Image editing

4.1 Editing tools and filters

Zakeke provides you with an advanced image editor which empowers your customers with editing tools,  effects and filters.

In particular, they can use the following tools to edit an image:

  • Filters
  • Adjustments
  • Focus
  • Brush
  • Frames
  • Overlay


You can disable the ones you do not need from the Printing Methods.

Customers access those tools by clicking the "edit & filters" button when they upload the image:






4.2 Masks 

Zakeke provides you with a dedicated tool to create a gallery of masks that your customers can use with the images they upload. Read more here.


4.3 Other effects

For those who sell engraved products, Zakeke offers a specific feature to automatically convert images and artworks (along with texts) to simulate engraving. See this.

The tool is very flexible and can also be used by those who do not sell engraved products to apply automatic effects on images, such as:

  • Greyscale
  • Black and white
  • Black and transparent
  • Silhouette
  • Dark and light
  • Blend modes


5. Quality check

Zakeke automatically checks if the quality of the uploaded image is good enough for printing. The quality check calculation is based on the size of the entire print area and the DPI value that you require (by default, the DPI required is 300 but you can change it by creating a Printing Method). When the quality is not good, the customer is informed by a warning message that suggests uploading a better quality image.
You have control over the message and you can:

  • Change the message content;
  • Totally disable it;
  • Keep it but allow customers to ignore it and still be able to add the product to the cart.

You manage it from Settings > Messages and Alerts in your Zakeke back-office.


6. Further details

  • Uploaded images are stored in the image gallery for reuse. When customers access the customizer from the same browser, they find the images they've previously uploaded in the Upload section.

  • Autofit: you can set an option to get the uploaded image automatically resized to fit the full print area. Read more here.


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