
Zakeke allows you to enable your customers to add shadows to the design elements.

At the moment, it's possible to add shadows to text only.


Text Shadow

In order to enable this feature, you have to create a custom Printing Method and activate it from the Shadows section.

You can choose to limit colors and how the shadow can be rotated and moved behind the text. When you activate it, you have several options:

  • by default, shadow will be included in the print-ready files. You can make it that the shadow is only visible to your customers in the customizer and not included in the print files.

  • set a default color for the shadow and a range of available colors for your customers (if you do not set it, they'll have a color picker).

  • set custom values for:

    • Blur

    • Distance

    • Angle

      PRO TIP: if you don't want your customers to be able to change blur, distance and/or angle, set a default value and add the same value for "min" and "max".

The video below shows how the Text Shadow works for your customers:

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