Pre-designed Templates

Pre-designed Templates allows you to offer your customers editable designs instead of having them starting from scratch to personalize your products. You can create designs with editable texts and images and freely define a set of customization rules and restrictions for each design or element of the design. There are many possibilities to even create very complex designs. 

A quick and simple example can be seen in this demo product where customers are allowed only to edit the text on the jacket and change the colors of the patch.



  1. Creation of a Pre-Designed Template
  2. How to control the editing options of the template and each design element in a Pre-Designed Template
  3. Managing the Pre-Designed Templates


1. Creation of a Pre-Designed Template

Pre-designed templates in Zakeke are linked to a specific product and they can be created only if you have already created a customizable product.

To create a pre-designed template:

  1. go to Tools > Pre-Designed Templates in the side menu of your back-office.

  2. In the list, select the product on which you want to apply the template and click on Add New Template.

  3. In the popup that opens, you have a fully-functional version of the Zakeke customizer to create the design.


2. How to control the editing options of a design element in a template

2.1 Controlling the editing options

When you create e pre-designed template you can manage what your customers can edit on the design. You can control editing options on the whole template and/or on each element of the design.


Editing options for the entire template

Tools and options that you can manage on the whole template:

  • Text (or set a maximum number of text elements)

  • Upload image (or set a maximum number of images allowed and/or restrict only certain image formats)

  • Images galleries

  • Sync elements on all product sides: check this if you need to duplicate the design elements on all the sides of the products.


Disable all options here if you want your customers to only be able to modify the elements you add to the design otherwise they'll be free to add texts/images to the product

You do it in the Template Settings section: 



Editing options for each design element in a template

Options that you can restrict on single elements of the design:

  • Text: you can restrict move, resize, delete, color edit, font change, curved, and edit text.
    You can also define a minimum and a maximum number of characters allowed and a padding string.
    Moreover, you can set the text as mandatory to edit and make it "always on top" or "always on bottom" (it means that all elements that customers add to the design will go always under or above the text).
    If you disable "printable" the text won't be included in the print-ready files ("Include in the thumbnails" means that you can make the element as not printable but still show it in the product thumbnails in the cart/checkout, share and templates' gallery so that your customers still see a realistic preview of the final item).

You do it by clicking on Text Settings when you add a text:


  • Images: you can restrict move, resize, rotate, delete, and image replacement.
    You can also set it as "always on top" or "always on bottom" (it means that all elements that customers add to the design will go always under or above the image).
    If you disable "printable" the image won't be included in the print-ready files ("Include in the thumbnails" means that you can make the element as not printable but still show it in the product thumbnails in the cart/checkout, share and templates' gallery so that your customers still see a realistic preview of the final item).

You do it in the Element Settings that automatically get shown when you upload an image or choose it from your galleries:


  • Shapes/Masks: you can upload a shape/mask from the Upload button or pick one from the Shapes gallery. When you add it to the design, you can decide whether to use it simply as a shape or as a fillable shape, which means that your customers will be able to fill the shape with an image.

    • Shapes: you can give it a color and add a stroke.
      You can restrict move, resize, rotate, delete, and edit stroke.
      You can also set it as "always on top" or "always on bottom" (it means that all elements that customers add to the design will go always under or above the image).
      If you disable "printable" the image won't be included in the print-ready files ("Include in the thumbnails" means that you can make the element as not printable but still show it in the product thumbnails in the cart/checkout, share and templates' gallery so that your customers still see a realistic preview of the final item).

    • Fillable Shapes: read this for details.


2.2 Element name and tags

Element name 

You may need to assign a name to a design element in a template to identify that element. You find the field Element Name in the dedicated list of settings of a design element (text, image, shape, ...). 

In Zakeke there are tools that use this field to work properly, such as the Names and Numbers feature: once you enable the Names and Numbers tool, for example, the Element name will be seen inside the bulk variations form by your customers.



Tag and Tag Type

Tag serves to mark an element to precisely identify that element and make it possible to assign that element certain functions and behaviour.

Tag Type indicates the functionality Tags will be used for, for example, Name and Numbers. 


3. Managing the Pre-Designed Templates

3.1 Categories

You can divide your pre-designed templates into categories and macrocategories.

Categories are not mandatory and pre-designed templates not associated with any category will be put in a fictitious category called "Others".

To create a macrocategory, click on the button with + symbol at the top of the categories menu > Add macrocategory 


Once you've created a macrocategory you can then create Categories within. Click on the button with + symbol at the top of the categories menu > Add category 



3.2 How to set up your pre-designed templates windows pop-up at customizer's start

If you have got more than one pre-designed templates, by checking Enable your customers to choose a pre-designed template as soon as the Visual Customizer starts, when the customizer is initialized, your customers will be shown a window with all pre-designed templates to allow them to choose their preferred one and start personalizing from that template. 


3.3 Pre-designed template as the default design on your product

If you wish, you can set the pre-designed template as the default design on the product (even by variant) so that when your customers open the customizer they will find a pre-decorated product. In order to do so, select the pre-designed template and click on Make it default on all variants (if you wish to make it as default design only on certain variants, check the box beside the variant).



Check the video to discover all details: 

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