
In this guide we'll show how to let the product image appear zoomed-in or out as soon as the Zakeke's Customizer opens.



  1. Zoom level
  2. Auto-Zoom to Print Area


1. Zoom level

In order to define initial zoom for customizer fit you need to:

  1. go inside Settings > User Interface Settings
  2. input the value of the initial zoom level you'd like to have

The default value is 100, but you can change it as you like. This is an example of a t-shirt having 100 as a Zoom level. 


This is the same t-shirt but with 50 as a Zoom level. 


2. Auto-Zoom to Print Area

The Auto-Zoom to Print Area option lets you automatically apply a zoom focus on the print area for better precision once the customizer opens. 

  1. go inside Settings > User Interface Settings
  2. toggle the box called Auto-Zoom to Print Area

As shown here:


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