How to match Configurator attributes with options or modifiers in BigCommerce

While using the Zakeke 3D Configurator, if your store is based on BigCommerce, you can match and associate a product attribute inside Zakeke with a product option or modifier inside BigCommerce. 

Refer to this guide to create an attribute inside Zakeke. 

If a Zakeke attribute is not associated with an option/modifier inside BigCommerce, then:

  • customers won't have that specific attribute/option inside the cart
  • the attribute/option list won't appear inside the Bigcommerce order list. This list will only be available inside the Zakeke order's detail and dashboard.
  • it won't be possibile to associate a specific price to each option. To do so you need to associate a Zakeke attribute to a BigCommerce product option and give a price to the option on BigCommerce that will be included both inside Zakeke and in the shopping cart.

Please note

  • Attributes linked to other options or attributes should not be set as mandatory. Here's an example for better understanding: if a product like a chair has linked attributes 'frame type' and 'upholstery color', and a certain frame type selection makes the color option irrelevant, setting color as mandatory in BigCommerce will prevent adding the product to the cart even when it's not needed.
  • Modifiers associated with a Zakeke attribute can only be dropdown ones. Others cannot be associated. 
  • Once modifiers and attributes are associated, we recommend not updating options en masse through CSV or overriding previous options, as this will break the connections, and will require you to manually reconnect the new attributes/option in Zakeke once again. 

Appearance of the Configurator

The Zakeke 3D Configurator replaces the product image, CTA, price, and choice options part of BigCommerce while leaving the product description, review, and other components that have nothing to do with viewing/purchasing the product.

Please note

Quantities need to be managed inside Zakeke. To do so, go to Settings -> Manage quantities


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