Replace color(s) in the final print file

This feature instantly and automatically replaces one or more colors in your designs' print-ready file/s when found not compatible with your printing process

You may need this feature if you can't use given colors in your printing process and need them replaced. A renowned case study is that of UV printer machines that can't read white ink color (HEX #FFFFFF or RGB 255,255,255). Thanks to our "replace color/s" feature, you could prevent snags and substitute clashing colors with close matches, such as a light grey as a white's "surrogate". See below.


In the example above, the customer has upload an image where one of the elements is in pure white (Logo). The merchant has activated a rule to convert any white in an artwork into a light grey (HEX EBE9E) and the final print-ready file is generated with the replacing color.


How to activate it

You can activate this feature from the Printing Methods

  1. Go to Printing Methods

  2. Create a new one or edit an existing one

  3. Scroll down to the Print-Ready Files section

  4. Activate the option Replace color/s

  5. Select a targeted color from the color picker and select the replacing color.


Please be advised that color/s replacements are solely visible in the final print files, you won't see it in the orders' preview and your customers will keep seeing the original color


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