Editing the attributes/variants of the product in your store after a product has been published as a customizable product

When you publish a customizable product with variants each attribute contains the values chosen during the setup of the product.

Can I change the attributes' names in my store? and the values? order? It depends on the eCommerce platform you use.



What Answer How
Change the order of attributes YES

Go to  Products > All products > Find and choose the product

In the product page > Go to "Product data" section and then "Attributes"

Move the attribute UP/DOWN as you want and save.

Change the name of an attribute YES Go to  Products >Attributes

In the attributes page->Choose the attribute and click "Edit"

In the attribute edit page-> Change the "name" (don't change "slug") and save

Change the values of an attribute YES Go to  Products >Attributes

In the attributes page > Choose the attribute and click "Configure terms"

In the attribute edit page > Choose the "value" and click "Edit"

In the value edit page > Change the "name" (don't change "slug") and save

Change the order of attribute values YES Go to  Products >Attributes

In the attributes page > Choose the attribute and click "Configure terms"

In the attribute edit page > Move the attribute UP/DOWN in the table and save.




What Answer How
Change the order of attributes NO  
Change the name of an attribute NO  
Change the values of an attribute NO  
Change the order of attribute values YES Go to  Products > All products > Find and choose the product

In the product page > Go to "More options" >"Reorder variants"

In the "Reorder variants and options" page you can move LEFT/RIGHT the "option value" (don't change the order of "option")



What Answer How
Change the order of attributes YES Go to  Products > Find and choose the product
In the product page > Go to "Variations" section and then "Configure options" Move the attribute UP/DOWN as you want and save.
Change the name of an attribute YES Go to  Products > Find and choose the product
In the product page > Go to "Variations" section and then "Configure options" Change the name of the attribute and save.
Change the values of an attribute YES Go to  Products > Find and choose the product
In the product page > Go to "Variations" section and then "Configure options" Change the value of the attribute and save.
Change the order of attribute values YES Go to  Products > Find and choose the product
In the product page > Go to "Variations" section and then "Configure options" Move the attribute value UP/DOWN as you want and save.


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