By default, whenever a customized item is added to the cart, a new product from that customized item is created in your Shopify catalog.
Shopify does not allow third-party apps to change the price of a product or to change the check-out page, that's why the creation of a new product is required.
You can easily avoid the creation of a new product by selecting Create a new product only when a price rule is associated with it in your Zakeke back-office > Settings > Shopify settings > Behaviour on the Add to Cart.
This means that, as long as your product has no pricing rules associated with it in Zakeke (pricing step when you create the customizable product):
No new product will be added to your catalog when a customer adds the customized product to the cart;
No thumbnail image of the customized item will be shown on the check-out page. Instead thewe will be a "Preview" link that when clicked will show the preview of the design done
You've got a third option: Never create a new product.
If you still want to use the pricing rules inside Zakeke, but don't want the system to create a new product in your catalog, you need to edit your theme code and this is the guide to follow.
Important 1
You can't apply discounts using the pricing functionality of Zakeke when you set it to not create new products.
Also, if you select this option, third-party checkout buttons (i.e. Amazon Pay, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.) will be hidden on the cart page and only visible in the checkout.
Important 2
You can't apply discounts using the pricing functionality of Zakeke when you set it to not create new products.
If customers abandon the cart with a customized item selected in it and you send personalized emails to them to resume their purchase, Zakeke follows the standard Shopify cart procedures only if the option of Never create a new product is not active. Instead, if the option Never create a new product is active, the information inside the emails won't be updated, so it is necessary to change the email body with a cart link in order to send the right information.