CMYK support

While RGB is the standard color model in Zakeke, you can have your print-ready files converted to CMYK if you need it. You'll need a file in icc format including the color profile to convert the output from RGB to CMYK.


Before you start

  • A digital screen can't show true CMYK colors, computers and other devices use RGB to display color on the screen. Of course, it will be the same with Zakeke: even if you activate this add-on, your customers will continue to see RGB colors in the customizer. The Add-on only allows you to have a file converted to CMYK.

  • Colors converted from RGB to CMYK may not be 100% accurate simply because no software can replicate CMYK colors exactly.


How to set the print-ready file in CMYK

  • Go to Printing Methods.

  • Create or edit a Printing Method.

  • Scroll down to the section Print-ready Files and check "Use a custom CMYK profile for PDF output".

  • Upload your .icc color profile (you can upload only CMYK profiles, no RGB or sRGB).

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