Why there is a blank file in my Printful orders?

In handling an order for a Printful product with customization, there will be a file generation on Printful with a print-ready file named “example.com,” which is nothing more than a simple file and not the actual print-ready file.

This is essential, for technical reasons, so that the custom product order using Zakeke is generated on Printful. So Zakeke, in order to send the original print-ready files, performs a “payment check”. If it is successful, then the files are sent to Printful.

To be more specific, the flow of an order with Printful integration is the following:

  • A personalized product is purchased from the store;
  • An order is created into the admin panel of your store and also that into your Zakeke account and Printful account;
  • In your Printful account > order section --> you will see the order that contains an example print file. This is due to a technical reason;
  • So, once Zakeke executes the payment check, it will send the real print-ready files to the Printful account and you will not see anymore the example print file but the real print-ready files. 

Please note

If you have a WooCommerce integration you have to click on "Send to POD" button from the order details into Zakeke order page. Here the guide if you want to remove it.

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